Wednesday, August 2, 2006

My name is not George…

and I have a drinking problem. It’s not alcohol related, although some of my nearest and dearest would day I do have an alcohol problem - I don’t drink enough! Mine is entirely caffeine related. I went a little crazy today and had it in almost every drinkable form - hot in coffee and tea, cold with bubbles several times, cold without bubbles - no hot with bubbles but one has to draw the line somewhere. I wouldn’t say I was tired today.. well certainly not after the drinks, but I mean before them. Fact is I like it, I like it a lot. Coffee cheers me up of a morning.

Hurrah for coffee!!!!!

As for my penchant for bubbly beverages, I just cannot help myself. Nothing like something you are not supposed to have to get a craving going. Anyway not sure why I am telling you this, it is not a big newsflash, but hey if you want excitement - look to your own lives and if you cannot find it there, well then don’t bitch at me about mine!

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