Tuesday, August 29, 2006

4th Dimension

I feel I should start by saying ‘It’s nice to be back’ but I would be lying, I would much rather still be in England not worrying about the sheer volume of work I need to do. I am glad to be blogging again though, thanks to George for covering for me in my absence. He did a stand up job I think (cue applause) and I am sure we have not seen the last of him.

So I found myself in a tear in the space-time continuum coming back from Blighty. Atlanta airport does not follow the rules that the rest of the world appears to function fairly well by. At 5pm we were informed our plane had landed, and a 5.34pm takeoff did not seem too unreasonable. At 6pm we were then told our plane was in the air and had yet to approach Atlanta, so it was clearly travelling backwards and would rearrive at its departure point before its arrival. Most perplexing. Turned out the original message was true and our poor plane sat on the tarmac waiting for a gate for an hour. I did debate staying in Atlanta for a year or so to write my dissertation and perhaps finish earlier than I had started it but decided the comfort of home was calling.

We ended up being 5 hours late because the toilet, yes the toilet, delayed us. They managed to overflow it (it was full, needed emptying and in their wisdom in the emptying process they added MORE fluid! Do I not know what empty means? More fluid seems the opposite!). As this fluid is corrosive (and smelly, really smelly - bear in mind we had already boarded at this point and were on the plane when it happened) to the plane we had to deplane and wait for ages while they cleaned it up and checked the aircraft was OK. When we did get back on the toilet was still not working (only 30 minute flight so we were OK) and the aroma of the plane was somewhat more interesting than it had been initially.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ewww!! Well, I’ll contribute the “it could be worse” story… My brother is ramp agent in Dayton and one of his job is emptying the toilets - which sounds very unpleasant even if the task goes well. Well, one night something went wrong and the whole thing dumped on him. Needless to say, he was sent home to shower immediately. How long does that shower take?