Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Philly recap

I thought I should write a little expose on my trip to Philadelphia (which I have the hardest time typing correctly even though I know how it is spelt). It was a work trip, and I really did work very hard, so not much sightseeing was done. I managed to take an afternoon to go see the Liberty Bell. For the Brits among the readership there is this story that this bell rang out from the tower of Independence Hall, summoning the people to hear the Declaration of Independence read for the first time.

So what did I learn? One: this symbol of the freedom of the american people was actually made in the UK. Two: their liberty is a whole lot smaller than I thought - the bell is no where near as big as I thought it was. George posed for a photograph so I can share my experience with you all. He is so photogenic.

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