Saturday, November 18, 2006

Hyper organised

So this evening I have made, signed, and addressed all my Christmas cards - to be fair they are not all hand made (but over half are). I do need to include letters in many of them and I wish I had it in me to do a bulk letter to all the extended family - alas those of you who know me will understand that I just cannot do that. I value the paper and pen far too much. That’ll be the next job on my list - oooh I don’t have a list yet so I get the pleasure of writing one and that will be on it and I will dutifully cross it off. Hurrah!

I have spare ribbon and various other craft items if anyone else is in need of Christmassy crafts. Otherwise I can be found knitting - the squares for my blanket are going well and a few friends have new hats too, but no one wanted one quite as funky as mine. Some people have no taste.

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