Wednesday, November 8, 2006

It's been awhile

I keep meaning to blog but time passes and I don’t - sorry for those who have been checking, I honestly do not mean to disappoint. I am settled for the evening with a nice cuppa and thought now was as good a time as any - although OK a few days ago may have been better. I had this whole blog planned on Sunday (when my internet would not work) and now POOF it has gone and I am sans any ideas.

*Pause for me to ponder*

I was a knitting QUEEN this weekend. I decided to give myself the extra few days for recuperation (I did some serious sleeping too) and for some reason was drawn to being creative. I now am the proud owner of a fluffy ski hat complete with ear flaps. It is quite fabulous. I discovered that I have been hoarding wool somewhat (well I call it wool, it is some wool type thing in balls that is not actually wool as it makes me itch) and goodness knows what I could actually do with all this random stuff I have - so I took the decision to start knitting squares to make a blanket. Slightly longer term than a weekend (I got like 3 done over the two days along with two hats!) but my Grandma taught me to knit by doing squares and it has just had me thinking fondly of her a lot. There are few people I miss as much as my Grandparents.

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