Monday, October 23, 2006


I thought I should try and get at least one post done while in Philly and I actually have 5 minutes so here goes. I have been non-stop busy since we arrived on Thursday, the ‘running around like a blue-arsed fly’ expression does not even begin to cover it - in fact from now on blue arsed flies will probably say ‘I have been busier than George’s friend in Philly’, I’ll admit that it does not roll off the tongue quite as easily, but then do blue-arsed flies have tongues?

My feet hurt from standing on them and using them to walk all around. Do they not know that it is for that express purpose that they are designed? Perhaps it was not made clear in the job description and some renegotiation of terms of employment are required. I think they have become complacent as they don’t feel threatened with redundancy as, quite frankly, they would be quite a hassle to replace. If I was going to trade them in I think I might just replace the whole lot and get a new body that comes with some sort of warranty. For now I shall just put up with it as I am having a lot of fun wearing the poor things out.

I hope this satisfies my loyal readers for the moment. I have stories to tell but I also have beauty sleep to catch (and I am waaaaaay behind at the moment).

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