Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Am I not quirky enough for science?

An odd question you may think - perhaps you find me quite quirky enough. Well today I realised that when it comes to being an expert in something, if you are really dedicated, you develop some rather odd habits to go hand in hand with it. I have yet to establish that. A group of us went out to lunch with a palaeontologist today (or a paleontologist if you are an american against the extra a’s). This particular person studies vertebrates and also will only eat meats that come from a vertebrate - but they will only indulge in one vertebrate at a time. Heaven forbid a vertebrate mix should occur! It is hard not to conclude that it is their study of vertebrates that has led to this quirk, although I have no direct evidence to support this. But I am left with the urge to develop a planetary related oddity.

Oh I should say I enjoyed lunch and the talk the said scientist gave afterwards. I like palaeontology.

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