Monday, July 24, 2006

Felled by… an ant?

So this weekend (well from crack o’dawn Thursday through Sunday) saw me off to Florida (St Pete’s) to visit the parentals who are renting a condo out there. Thought it would be a splendid way to relax from the stress of the summer semester…. mistake, oh what a mistake. Thursday afternoon we are leaving the beach and it turns out it is feeding time at the zoo. Alas the fodder on hand appeared to be my foot and the animals were some ants. Guess what? I am allergic to ants! Who knew? Not me that’s for sure, although my foot swelling up and going slightly purple.. and dare I say it pus-like (yuck) was a fairly large clue.

One steroid shot in the derriere and many tablets later I am still hobbling about on crutches, impressing people with the rainbow colours my foot has to offer. The current favourite appears to be pink, with a purple rim and black centre. Quite creative I feel - very expressive. Dad took pictures but he has yet to reach the digital age, although is planning to very soon (don’t wish to sell him short), so maybe at some point in the future I can disgust a much wider audience by posting them!

Advice to those travelling while impaired and unprepared -DON’T - and that’s all I have to say about that.


Anonymous said...

Man, you are the most injury-prone person I have ever met!!! :) I hope you start feeling better soon … and stay away from the ants!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Sounds nasty. It’s them strange nats you get on that side of the pond that’s the problem. Now if you’d been here, they’d have taken one look at you and decided that your feet just aren’t the right type.

Hope this isn’t going to interfere with your antics on the snow. Although I guess you’ve got 5 months and a few days to recover now!