Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Ten for '10

A lot of friends have been posting their 'resolutions' for the new year in the last week. I put that in inverted comas as I am not sure that even one of them has used that term, instead I have heard intentions, plans, accomplishments... I certainly have things I would like to achieve this year so I thought I would follow their example. I am posting ten things for '10.

  1. Get in shape. I have to get in better shape. HAVE TO. I have let myself go terribly. The jeans that fit me the best right now were the pair I wore when was 15 lbs heavier. The fact they fit when I am lighter tells me I am fatter... my muscle needs to make a comeback.
  2. Get in control of my eating. When I gave up wheat I was eating really well and I have let things slip since the move to Texas. Still no wheat but a lot of things with zero or little nutritional value and I felt SO MUCH BETTER when I was eating well.
  3. Start my marriage off well in the Summer.
  4. Get more organised at work.
  5. Cut down on the amount of television I watch (hoping John will join me in this or it will be nigh impossible). Maybe a good place to start is to cut it out entirely one day a week.
  6. Consistently take my lunch to work and eat it. Taking something for my lunch almost seems to guarantee I don't want to eat that food come lunchtime. I need to learn to suck it up and just eat it.
  7. Drink more water.
  8. Be more happy and less grumpy. I can be very unreasonable at times and often I don't even know why myself. I need to cut that out. Something to work on for sure.
  9. Walk to work at least a few times a week even when John is available to give me a lift. We live a mile away from campus and it is so tempting to just let John drop me off all the time. I have been walking all this week while he is in DC and it is actually quite a nice way to start and end the work day... and a great way to help with point 1.
  10. Be more social. I have become such a homebody of late, mostly because I am laaaaazzzyyy. Once I am home I can never seem to overcome the kinetic barrier to get myself out the door again.
The end.

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