Wednesday, November 12, 2008

First post block

So I have been meaning to write the first post here for a while, but for some reason I have been unable to - I have even not written other blog entries because of it. Urgh. Today I am going to get over this imaginary hump and in the words of Nike advertising 'just do it.' Let us go over the most obvious point here:


Why oh why have you moved your blog Rhiannon, some of you may ask. Well the answer is relatively simple. The old blog format was great in that I had ultimate control over it. Mwu-ha-ha!!!!! However, it was taking forever to upload and had to be written from my laptop and both of these factors were a bit of a pain and made me less inclined to update. Moving it here means I can update wherever I want (well clearly I still need a computer, it is not telepathy-enabled ... yet) and that I no longer have to password it - before it was an offshoot of the work website and I felt that it was best.

You will note that there are blog entries prior to this - I am slowly but surely uploading all old blog entries, including the old blogsome one and then I will move onto my dotmac one. Therefore, all my blogs should eventually be here in one place. This has to be a gradual process because I tried to upload lots and lots all in one and google thought I was a spammer and it took me a while to convince them I am not... well that and uploading lots in one go takes effort and I am a lazy so and so.

Anyway.... welcome. Enjoy. All that good stuff....

1 comment:

Rene said...

Welcome to blogspot!

I just signed up as a follower. I guess that beats being a stalker....hahahaha (I crack myself up sometimes)