Sunday, February 25, 2007

My bubbles...

I have given up fizzy drinks for lent - less than a week down and I had a struggle with it in the supermarket today. I was trying to justify buying fizzy water with flavours saying that it wasn’t really soda. I am addicted to bubbles. I resisted. Of course on the up-side I drove myself to the supermarket for the first time in almost two months - woo hoo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good to see you are able to blog again, it must be good to have your hand back a bit.
I have thought of a solution to the bubbles issue. You should get a straw and blow bubbles into your non-fizzy drinks in the manner of a small and badly behaved child. And then you will have bubbly drinks (and maybe get marched away by men in white coats)