Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thanksgiving Babies

Right, I kept meaning to sit down and write this yesterday (and the day before, and the day before that) but something always seems to take precedence. Yesterday my knitting took up all my attention. I have been making a baby blanket for Cari and, alas, last week the baby decided to arrive before I finished. Last Monday night I got a call from Cari and Ben telling me to come on over as they felt the little one was on her way - I was designated babysitter for Timmy (who is 2). Tuesday was a day full of Thomas (choo, choo), Caillou (whine, whine - you will understand this if you have ever watched the cartoon Caillou, he is a whiny little boy), and hide and seek. Grandma arrived from Michigan around 3pm and just a few hours later little Evelyn (Evie) Kerensa Bussey appeared. Anyone who knows Cari and Ben can see the full story on Cari's blog.

Wednesday John and I were leaving for PA as Thursday was Thanksgiving and his family had kindly invited me to celebrate it with them. I cheekily stopped by the hospital on the way to John's to get some little newborn cuddles from little Evie. She is, quite simply put, adorable.

Thanksgiving was a lot of fun too - John's Granddad is hilarious and his Grandma prepared a wonderful Thanksgiving meal for us. I do love me some turkey and fixings. Thanksgiving food is sort of like British Christmas fare only with a few definite exceptions - the green bean casserole, mac and cheese, and sweet potatoes are not something you would find on our table at home. All very yummy though. Mmmmmm. John's family live near Hershey (as in where Hershey chocolate is made) and so we made a trip to Chocolate World - I felt it was pretty much required, how can one be that close to a world of chocolate and not go visit? The answer is that one can't! I tried to be restrained in my purchases but the Starbucks chocolate I did buy has been calling my name daily ever since. I am impressed that chocolate is able to pronounce my name since it seems half the population struggles.

Well it is time for breakfast.... and coffee... my days always start with coffee, otherwise they never really start they just stagnate.

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