Monday, May 3, 2010

I'm crap at blogging

I am resigned to it, I have accepted it... I am a bad blogger. I always write posts in my head but never online, so if you were in my head this blog would be AMAZING, just saying.

Last month I was 30 (cue dramatic music) and I planned to write a blog on my achievements in the last decade. It was rather interesting just thinking about it really as it made me appreciate the last few years so much as I have done so much more and learnt so much more than in the rest of the decade put together. Well anyway here is the list - it is mostly work related, clearly it is not exhaustive as there are blank years and I was not THAT lazy.

21-22 - Saw a talk given by a meteoriticist and decided to apply for a Ph.D. to study meteorites
22-23 - Graduated from Edinburgh with a BSc. Hons.
- Moved country to the USA to get my Ph.D.
24-25 - Got a fellowship at the Smithsonian and was offered job when I graduated
28-29 - Graduated with my Ph.D
- Went to work at the Smithsonian
- Met John, fell in love.... (awwww)
- Completed my first ever proper job application for my dream job at TCU
29-30 - Interviewed at TCU (day after 29th birthday) and was offered job
- John proposed
- Moved to Texas with John

One additional note: on the day after my birthday, my first full day of being 30 years of age, I ran 3 miles straight for the first time in my life.

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