Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Time zones mean nothing to me

So I am on yet another plane tomorrow heading back the way I only just came, and moving forward 5 hours that I just went back. It is all a bit confusing. My brain went a bit mental last night and kept me up till 3.30am - and I know it had to be the brain because trust me the body was more than happy in bed, shame I just can’t put the former in a jar so I can get a good night’s sleep and put it back in again in the morning. But knowing me I would knock over the jar and then my chances of graduating would just be a mess all over the carpet - then I would have to vacuum and I really HATE to vacuum (I still do it before you all accuse me of being gross).

I think I am pretty much packed, although no doubt I will arrive at home and realise I have forgotten something really important - like trousers, or all my bras. At least if the latter happens I can just pretend I am all about the women’s movement and freedom from bras (personally though I rather like bras, they are a woman’s defense against the inevitable effects of gravity). I probably shouldn’t talk about bras on my blog.

The next two weeks I will probably blog relatively erratically as I do not know what sort of internet access I will have most of the time - but rest assured I will keep everyone updated on my travels. Oh and in case anyone is worried I have packed bras - and trousers too so all is well.


Anonymous said...

Have a safe journey, I hope there aren’t any horrible smells this time!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Well, by now you must have totally confused your brain and be tending towards the timings of us UK based peeps. I hope you are having fun, and that you manage to find some kind of sensible internet connection somewhere (dial-up isn’t sensible in my book).