Monday, September 4, 2006


Things I love, a non-inclusive list:

(Which by the way will probably grow throughout the day as I think of more stuff)

  1. The obvious friends and family stuff - and the wonderful M
  2. Lists - oh yes we like lists, making them, crossing stuff off, they are grrrreat (to take Tony the tiger’s saying)
  3. Words with double letters in them, like woggle, wiggle, lolliopop, google, gaggle, wibble, jiggle, loony, lollygagger.. ooh I could go on for ages on this one.
  4. White seedless grapes
  5. Laughing
  6. Crosswords, sudoku and other puzzles
  7. Reading
  8. Singing along to the radio in my car
  9. Travel
  10. Sleeping
  11. Hugs
  12. Writing letters
  13. Coffee
  14. Tea


Anonymous said...

Lists are lovely — I make them and then ignore them…but it’s so much fun to realize everything on them is finished. Or, my favorite, rewrite them to make it like I’ve made some progress!

Anonymous said...

I agree that lists are the best!
Have you tried writing one where the first item is ‘write a list’? Its a great way of ensuring that lots of items get crossed off! :o )

Anonymous said...

Surely that’s cheating though!!! Although I wouldn’t put it past you! Haha!