Monday, September 18, 2006

All bugs are bad

Ok so I know all bugs aren’t bad - most of them serve a purpose, although if I remember my pointless general knowledge wasps are one of the few things that appear to have no purpose. But then define purpose… actually I am way too tired to argue philosophical points - having said that philosophical conversations are often best in the small hours but there is just me here and a lot of men in pinstripes and I think I am best keeping quiet.

Why the attack on bugs anyway you may ask? If you didn’t ask it then well fine, read my blog and don’t play along! Well it all started at the weekend where the Scottish midges and mosquitoes found me and S rather attractive - turns out there is no such thing as a free campsite, you pay in blood! I am left rather itchy and looking somewhat like I have the measles (no seriously it is not a good look). I probably could have forgiven the bug world if that is where it ended but that is where it just began….

So in my home village we are currently under seige by crane flies (daddy long legs to the Brits who read this but bizarrely the Americans seem to call a different thing daddy long legs so I get most confused). M and I experienced this my first weekend home on a walk through the fields, where every footstep sent up clouds of the little buggers. They like the light, as many annoying many legged, flying things are want to do and this means they want in your house. You cannot keep them out and last night a flock of them flew in when I brough the laundry in. Not so bad you would say, annoying but not worthy of a blog mention - well listen to what happened next.

I was relieving myself (having a wee - TMI I am sure but the story cannot go on without me sharing this gory information) and there was movement beneath me. Not in a position to jump up, I was nevertheless VERY alarmed and all of a sudden a daddy long legs flew out from between my legs from their inner bowl hiding place. Now I am sure he or she may have been more scarred by the whole thing more than me but I am sorry I will now always wonder what will emerge from the bowl when nature calls.


Anonymous said...

Ummm …. that last bit might have been more than we needed to know :)

Rambling Rhi said...

Yes I am sure it is but it was too funny a story not to share

Anonymous said...

Sharing is good. TMI, maybe, but then the story would have been less for it.

Problem is, though, you have now set a precendent. Either all us bloggers will have to start pushing the boundaries of acceptability and decency or you’ll have to start putting movie style age limits on your posts!
