Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The new job

Right so I shall take a minute before lunch to blog about the new job. I feel like I am starting to get settled in now, but then it does not take much to throw me off track. I am haunted by the feeling that any day now someone is going to walk into my office and tell me it has all been some kind of cruel joke and they never meant to employ me. The feeling that I am playing at being a Professor is a prominent one. However, I do love it here. TCU seems like a fabulous place to work and study. The more I learn about the university the more I realise how lucky I am to be here. But enough of the abstract thoughts let's deal with some facts.
  1. My office here is bigger than my last flat. It is still in need of some bookcases, I am getting a little tired of my books being on the floor but they are on order and with all the space I have there is really very little room to complain.
  2. A lot of the faculty eat lunch together every day. This is nice. It makes me feel welcome.
  3. I love being back on a campus and this campus is great as there are not the mass amounts of undergrads around that Tennessee had (my fellow TN grad students will understand this one).
  4. The nameplate on my door says Dr. Mayne and people keep calling me Dr. or Professor. Today I got an email to Professor Rhiannon. It made me laugh, overall it just seems silly and I feel very old.
  5. There are so many meteorites here to play with. I need to spend more time playing with them.
  6. I am taking just about every course the university offers at the moment. It is scary how much I have to learn.
  7. I love my job.

1 comment:

Rene said...

I am so happy that you are loving your new job. With that being said, we still miss you terribly here at Tennessee.