Monday, May 4, 2009

Chocolate cake in 5 minutes

A dear friend sent me a recipe a while back that I forgot about and after tonight I may wish it had stayed that way. It is for a chocolate cake that you can make in five minutes total.

What you need:
1 large coffee mug
4 tablespoons flour
4 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons cocoa
1 egg
3 tablespoons milk
3 tablespoons oil
3 tablespoons chocolate chips (optional)
splash of vanilla extract

Combine all dry ingredients in coffee mug, add egg, milk, vanilla extract, and oil - mix well.
Add chocolate chips if you are using them
Microwave for three minutes (my microwave is 1000 watt and this seemed to work well)

Cake will rise in mug. I have huuuuuge mugs due to my love of vast amounts of coffee but if you use a normal size mug I imagine this would rise over the top.

Let cool



Rene said...

I was given that recipe as well and have avoided it because I know I will be addicted!

cari c said...

Evil. Pure evil. :)

Katie said...

OMG! I just made this, it's amazing!! How come I never heard about this before?? Rhi, I finally have a use for your huge japanese mug you sent me, perfect size, now my cake mug :o)