Monday, November 24, 2008


Yesterday I did nothing - well as close to nothing as one can do whilst still spending hours awake. I am not one that does nothing very often and you know what.... IT WAS FABULOUS. John (the man) and I just watched BBC America and saw the ending of about 5 movies but no beginnings (just how it seemed to work out).

Other good things about the weekend:

I found Lebkuchen in the supermarket and have been reveling in their gingerbready goodness ever since (if you are not acquainted with Lebkuchen then google the term and you shalt learn).

John's passport arrived! HUZZAH! We are now all ready to go to England in a few weeks. very exciting.

We went to a pre-thanksgiving meal and had lots of yummy food (John a little bit too much) and even more wonderful company.

I am sure there was more goodness but I am waaaaay behind on a knitting project for a baby that is threatening to arrive any day (and mother to be is hoping it is sooner rather than later) and so I must pick up the needles once more and knit, knit, knit.

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