Thursday, April 19, 2007

Heavy petting

No this blog post will not be anywhere near as dodgy as its title may indicate - focus on the pet and less on the Heavy ting. For my birthday someone bought me an aquarium, as requested by me and I have finally bought things to go in it. Personally I could give or take the fish they are kind of blah… but my new African Dwarf Frog, Archibald is FABULOUS darling. He is relatively insane I believe and irrationally afraid of the aquarium light when it gets turned on in the morning - but I am growing rather attached.


Anonymous said...

I can vouch for the Frogling, Archie is cool, class and indeed rocks!!!
I have been shown him/her via the medium of the interweb

Anonymous said...

I love your new pet, I hope George isn’t too jealous!
Although, in the top picture of this post he looks rather flat and squashed, or is just me?