Monday, May 14, 2007

I need an automatic updater

I feel I am neglecting my blog… blame facebook as it takes away much of my pootling about on the internet time (well that and the fact I have no news to blog about). So……. Archibald died. I am sad but I knew it was going to happen. He had not been acting right for a week and on Saturday he was very out of sorts indeed. I blame the fish grrrrrrrrrrr. I think they kept him from eating and they bullied him. Luckily I am getting rid of them, and not in the mafia sense as I don’t have the heart to do that (although I have thought about it, but then I feel guilty for thinking it). My friend is going to take them as she had an aquarium craving (odd girl but we like her anyways). I shall then get two frogs so they have company and NO PESKY FISH and hopefully that will be more successful.

In other news… I have been working late oh and I got a dynamic brace for my arm. It is scary and the amount they want you to pay for it is, quite frankly, absurd - thankfully I am renting it and even then it is a hefty fee even with insurance paying the majority. I have been wearing it over the weekend to build up the length of time I can wear it and now it is somethng I wear at night. It is hard to sleep in but well it is even harder to type in so sacrifices must be made. Oh and in case anyone does not know what a dynamic brace is go here (mine is the first one): (I could not be bothered to write the html to make this a fancy link so you will all have to do with simple, reliable cut and paste)

The idea is that it holds you in a permanent stretch and then every few days you crank it up, thereby getting more movement. We like more movement. Doctor just thought I probably was not going to get there on my own. This helps with bending the wrist back, known as extension (a more useful movement). The flexion (bending it forwards) will have to come on its own I guess. I am all worried I got extension and flexion backwards, oh well. Anyways that is probably about it. I will try and be better at writing when anything interesting happens.


Anonymous said...

Poor you
much huggage!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear of your loss, poor Archiebald. I’ve never much liked fish and now I know why, they are mean bullies.
I’m sure that whenyou get your two frogs it will be twice as much fun as one.