Sunday, March 18, 2007


My poor blog must be feeling oh so neglected lately. I am still a one-handed typer (well to be fair, one hand and one finger) and therefore have not felt much like updating. Today I shall give it a go.

Just spent a week in Houston for the annual meeting of all planetary nerds in the kingdom. I had a talk which people said nice things about so seems like it went well. Pooped though - was early in bed, no parties and still tireder than a big tired thing on national tired day. Sigh.

For all the george fans among you he will soon be getting his own website. He is terribly excited but it is a relatively time consuming task so I will let you know when it is online. It will be a lot of his pictures and travel tales as apparently I have taken over the blog too much, he feels he needs a new website that has not only his name but also his stuff (so demanding).

Well I must go shower so I can venture out of my dark little apartment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have some news to break to george. Beryl has a real boyfriend. She was getting really depressed so Andrew bought a castrated boy rabbit to keep her company. I’ve called him Reginald (or Reggie for short) and they’re both really happy and very much in love. Bless.

Hope george doesn’t take it too personally. Beryl still loves him, but your head was getting pretty crowded.
