Monday, January 1, 2007


I cannot believe that I left meteorites off my ‘things I like beginning with m list’. I did not expect it to encompass everything as I cannot remember all things I like that begin with m in one sitting but that should have been one of them. Thanks to J and her comment for pointing out my glaring omission.

I LIKE METEORITES.. though I am really not bothered if they come from Mars or not.

I also like my mother (and my father, cannot omit him just because it is not an m-word, they come as a pair).

Music - an essential.

Muggins because it is another great word, and one I do not use enough I think.

The microprobe, well we have this love-hate thing going on, but it has undeniable usefulness.

Milk - even though it hates me so I like it.

Well I am sure there are more things that will come to me, probably in the dead of night while I am trying to sleep, only to promptly forget in the morning, but I am now going to have a nice warm bubble bath. Worked out (have been surprisingly good, no cardio but done my snowboard work-ous regularly) and am aching and wish to move tomorrow.

Oooh must not forget to wish everyone a happy new year. May 2007 bring you all the nice things that 2006 failed to, or more of the same if you were lucky and got all you wanted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year. I hope 2007 brings you lots of good things (not least a snowy holiday!) I can’t wait and it will great to catch up. The beautiful hat is now packed and ready to go :o )