Give me time and I shall blog.
(First post on the blog when it was on the mac website)
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Monday, May 14, 2007
I need an automatic updater
I feel I am neglecting my blog… blame facebook as it takes away much of my pootling about on the internet time (well that and the fact I have no news to blog about). So……. Archibald died. I am sad but I knew it was going to happen. He had not been acting right for a week and on Saturday he was very out of sorts indeed. I blame the fish grrrrrrrrrrr. I think they kept him from eating and they bullied him. Luckily I am getting rid of them, and not in the mafia sense as I don’t have the heart to do that (although I have thought about it, but then I feel guilty for thinking it). My friend is going to take them as she had an aquarium craving (odd girl but we like her anyways). I shall then get two frogs so they have company and NO PESKY FISH and hopefully that will be more successful.
In other news… I have been working late oh and I got a dynamic brace for my arm. It is scary and the amount they want you to pay for it is, quite frankly, absurd - thankfully I am renting it and even then it is a hefty fee even with insurance paying the majority. I have been wearing it over the weekend to build up the length of time I can wear it and now it is somethng I wear at night. It is hard to sleep in but well it is even harder to type in so sacrifices must be made. Oh and in case anyone does not know what a dynamic brace is go here (mine is the first one): (I could not be bothered to write the html to make this a fancy link so you will all have to do with simple, reliable cut and paste)
The idea is that it holds you in a permanent stretch and then every few days you crank it up, thereby getting more movement. We like more movement. Doctor just thought I probably was not going to get there on my own. This helps with bending the wrist back, known as extension (a more useful movement). The flexion (bending it forwards) will have to come on its own I guess. I am all worried I got extension and flexion backwards, oh well. Anyways that is probably about it. I will try and be better at writing when anything interesting happens.
In other news… I have been working late oh and I got a dynamic brace for my arm. It is scary and the amount they want you to pay for it is, quite frankly, absurd - thankfully I am renting it and even then it is a hefty fee even with insurance paying the majority. I have been wearing it over the weekend to build up the length of time I can wear it and now it is somethng I wear at night. It is hard to sleep in but well it is even harder to type in so sacrifices must be made. Oh and in case anyone does not know what a dynamic brace is go here (mine is the first one): (I could not be bothered to write the html to make this a fancy link so you will all have to do with simple, reliable cut and paste)
The idea is that it holds you in a permanent stretch and then every few days you crank it up, thereby getting more movement. We like more movement. Doctor just thought I probably was not going to get there on my own. This helps with bending the wrist back, known as extension (a more useful movement). The flexion (bending it forwards) will have to come on its own I guess. I am all worried I got extension and flexion backwards, oh well. Anyways that is probably about it. I will try and be better at writing when anything interesting happens.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Driving home from a friend’s house tonight I saw my first ever live opossum. Up to this point all the oppossums I have seen have been deader than many dead things by the side of the road (the wonderful M will argue this point when it comes to racoons and claim they are only napping but he is a sensitive boy). They are quite cute. Google oppossum if you have never seen one (oh UK friends of mine).
Oh and Archie is currently swimming around like a total loon so I guess he has become a night owl.. frog.. whatever. I think he may be afraid of the light.
Oh and Archie is currently swimming around like a total loon so I guess he has become a night owl.. frog.. whatever. I think he may be afraid of the light.
Monday, May 7, 2007
So I have discovered where Archibald was hiding the other week, the crafty little beggar. There is a little gap in the bottom of the filter where the power unit plugs in and he was there. I only know this as I had another ‘where the f is my frog?’ panic and I suddenly saw his little head poking out from the hidden place. Must say he has become a really antisocial poo-head lately and has taken to going there quite a lot. I think he is scared of the fish, which is quite pathetic really. He won’t eat when they are near the food even when he wants to. I am giving him a little space as he did shed his skin this week (and he ate it - gross!) and perhaps this is a traumatic thing for a little frog.
Otherwise I am uninspired when it comes to blog posts.
Otherwise I am uninspired when it comes to blog posts.
I had a wonderful weekend, but nowhere near enough sleep. K made a beautiful bride. It is funny how spending time with people you don’t see very often makes you realise how much you miss them. I really did not want to come back yesterday. Sigh. I miss rather a lot of people at the moment :(
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Work horse
As I type this I am waiting for my lovely and indispensable USB drive to fill up with all the lovely figures I need to print out. I have been working late a lot lately - I am talking regular fourteen hour days - and it is taking its toll. Luckily I have an excursion this weekend that will take me away from it all. My friend is getting married and I am a bridesmaid. Very excited! I shan’t have to think about work for two whole days if I don’t want to, plus, of course, I get to share in her special day. I’m off tomorrow after physiotherapy, HURRAH!
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Last night I was convinced Archibald has escaped and was lying dead somewhere on the carpet, most likely behind a bookcase where I would never find him until malodourous waves reached my nostrils. I took everything out the tank (plants, filter, his little pot to hide in, the feeding plate) except the fish and the gravel. He was nowhere, and I was sad. Suddenly there he was, like magic he came back from wherever he had been. I was most relieved on two levels (the YEA my frog is alive level and the thank goodness there is not a dead frog in my flat level). I think he may be traumatised with all the moving of stuff that went with the search but I nurse him back to health.
Now if the damn fish would stop eating his food (those fish make me soooooooooooo mad) all would be well. Does anyody want two fish?
Now if the damn fish would stop eating his food (those fish make me soooooooooooo mad) all would be well. Does anyody want two fish?
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
It is now May and I promised myself that in May I would get off dairy again. The lactose intolerant in me is a loser as I just like cheese too much. Day one going well so far though, few days until the cravings and grumpiness kick in. Drinking a lovely black iced coffee - on a side note is there any scientific reason why I like my cold coffee with no sugar but my hot coffee with?
Monday, April 30, 2007
It’s 10pm. I left the house over 14 hours ago. I am still working. I am counting pixels using photoshop. I want to go home. I must finish my work.
I have said enough.
I have said enough.
Five hundred and thirty eight million, two hundred and seventy three thousand, one hundred and sixty eight pixels.
Now I can go home.
Now I can go home.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Back in touch
I have been meaning to write a lengthy blog for ages but have been a good girl and concentrated on my work. Well I am giving myself the day off as it is the weekend, so I can now commence the bloggage. So what has been going on in my life? I am addicted to facebook, totally and utterly. This is actually a great thing as a few weeks ago I got back in touch with someone who I haven’t spoken to (or written, emailed etc..) for quite some time. It made me all reminiscent. It is so odd how you can look back at your life and pinpoint a few occasions that influence how the rest of it progresses. Obviously I am not ready to pop my clogs just yet so I plan to have quite a few more of those, but there have already been a few of these that I can look back upon fondly. One was Space School, it was the ultimate in nerd experience I suppose, reinforced by the fact that I was one of the cooler people there (at least I really hope I was). However, it was a five day period that had a huge impact on my life. I made friends that I hope I never lose touch with completely and realised that this really was something that I wanted to do with my life.
I have so many good memories - sitting in the back of the bus singing ‘In the jungle’ with my newly made friends (much to the chagrin of half the bus I am sure), , dealing with the awkwardness of teenage relationships, all the meet-ups we had afterwards, not to mention the notes we passed during the lectures (all of which I still have - anything vaguely letter-like in form is precious to me).
This guy I have got back in touch with reminds me of a time in my life I love to be reminded of. HURRAH for facebook (and myspace).
I have so many good memories - sitting in the back of the bus singing ‘In the jungle’ with my newly made friends (much to the chagrin of half the bus I am sure), , dealing with the awkwardness of teenage relationships, all the meet-ups we had afterwards, not to mention the notes we passed during the lectures (all of which I still have - anything vaguely letter-like in form is precious to me).
This guy I have got back in touch with reminds me of a time in my life I love to be reminded of. HURRAH for facebook (and myspace).
Saturday, April 21, 2007
I need to say thank you to K and L’s gimp (who I feel has earned himself a better title now) for helping me out with my website dilemma. I put your advice into action and now when you google me you do get my new webpage and not the old one.. well there is one page still lurking but I shall eliminate it soon. I am very grateful to you both and bow down to your expertise.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Old blogs
I was rereading some old blog entries today and came across this:
"My dad claims taking me snowboarding is ‘like giving a loaded gun to a manic depressive’. Not very politically correct of him but I do have a history of accidents. However, I tend to prefer more unusual injuries, such as ant allergies, so the consensus is I am more likely to scald myself with hot chocolate at the hotel than break a leg snowboarding (everyone knock on wood NOW)."
Well strictly speaking it was all true as I did not break a leg but I am thinking perhaps a different snow sport with less potential for injury may be in order. Mind you people may believe snow shoeing is safe but I have L to back me up when I say that I managed to nearly injure myself doing that too. The tree was just in my way! Any suggestions welcome, so far I am thinking cross country skiing and snow shoeing may be my best bets.
"My dad claims taking me snowboarding is ‘like giving a loaded gun to a manic depressive’. Not very politically correct of him but I do have a history of accidents. However, I tend to prefer more unusual injuries, such as ant allergies, so the consensus is I am more likely to scald myself with hot chocolate at the hotel than break a leg snowboarding (everyone knock on wood NOW)."
Well strictly speaking it was all true as I did not break a leg but I am thinking perhaps a different snow sport with less potential for injury may be in order. Mind you people may believe snow shoeing is safe but I have L to back me up when I say that I managed to nearly injure myself doing that too. The tree was just in my way! Any suggestions welcome, so far I am thinking cross country skiing and snow shoeing may be my best bets.
Heavy petting
No this blog post will not be anywhere near as dodgy as its title may indicate - focus on the pet and less on the Heavy ting. For my birthday someone bought me an aquarium, as requested by me and I have finally bought things to go in it. Personally I could give or take the fish they are kind of blah… but my new African Dwarf Frog, Archibald is FABULOUS darling. He is relatively insane I believe and irrationally afraid of the aquarium light when it gets turned on in the morning - but I am growing rather attached.
I need to be put down.. no seriously..
So today I decide to go to the supermarket - no big event you would think. My car had a little incident on Tuesday and needs a new tire/tyre (depending on where you live) so I walked to the shops. I then pottered around and bought all three items on my list, plus about another 20 that occurred to me while I was there. I went outside with the car and #$%! I didn’t have the car but I did have far more shopping than I can carry home with two good arms, let alone the one I have. AARRGGGHHHHH!!!!!! Cue the other M in my life (the american one) who came to my rescue and took me home. I am sure that this will be the source of much amusement for quite some time to come.
I have lots of other news so I need to get around to blogging it, don’t get your hopes up it isn’t thrilling - but it is all I’ve got.
I have lots of other news so I need to get around to blogging it, don’t get your hopes up it isn’t thrilling - but it is all I’ve got.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Isn't today...
just GREAT? I am in the best mood. Got in touch with an old friend last night and it has made me all happy as we talked for ages (well online which is not really talking but whatever).
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Well I said I would blog about my DC trip and since I am putting off bedtime (such a rebel) figured I may as well write it now. Thought I would just go with a few highlights and some pictures, otherwise this entry could go on forever.
The highlights:
* I actually got to see some of the sights. I have been to Washington DC on numerous occasions but never on a touristy trip. Workaholic? That’s a joke. I still did not get to see everything obviously, lots to keep me entertained on the next visit. The Capitol:

* My parents got to ‘backstage’ at the Smithsonian, which they loved. Thanks to the guys at NMNH for that. They got to hold all sorts of extra-terrestrial material. I still get a kick out of it myself.
* This next picture is from one of the exhibits (it’s for the wonderful M - tee hee)

* I got this fab new tea from this nice little restaurant near to our hotel. Camomile and lavendar - mmmm. It’s loose tea too, which is an even bigger bonus.
* The zoo was pretty cool, all the animals were fairly cooperative (although I witnessed rather too many bowel movements). The spectacled bear:

Well that may have to do for now. George needs the computer to update his blog.
The highlights:
* I actually got to see some of the sights. I have been to Washington DC on numerous occasions but never on a touristy trip. Workaholic? That’s a joke. I still did not get to see everything obviously, lots to keep me entertained on the next visit. The Capitol:
* My parents got to ‘backstage’ at the Smithsonian, which they loved. Thanks to the guys at NMNH for that. They got to hold all sorts of extra-terrestrial material. I still get a kick out of it myself.
* This next picture is from one of the exhibits (it’s for the wonderful M - tee hee)
* I got this fab new tea from this nice little restaurant near to our hotel. Camomile and lavendar - mmmm. It’s loose tea too, which is an even bigger bonus.
* The zoo was pretty cool, all the animals were fairly cooperative (although I witnessed rather too many bowel movements). The spectacled bear:
Well that may have to do for now. George needs the computer to update his blog.
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Travel time
In DC with the parentals - will tell all on my return… well OK to be fair I won’t tell you everything as that would be nuts and more than a little dull. Will tell the interesting bits.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Hard drive drama
My old hard drive in intact! Hurrah! Not that it is a huge deal as I was backed up but even so I am mucho-relievedo. Now I have a nice teeny-weeny back up hard drive for the new one
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
You Should Get a PhD in Science (like chemistry, math, or engineering) |
You're both smart and innovative when it comes to ideas. Maybe you'll find a cure for cancer - or develop the latest underground drug. |
I’m a big baby
GOOD NEWS - I have a new mac. Pain the arse to have to set it all up again and waiting for a hard drive enclosure to see if the old hard drive is recoverable to get data but good news all the same. I have taken all sorts of new precautions with keyboard covers (so the liquid cannot get into the computer throught the keyboard again) and yes I bought some sippy cups. I thought about doing a no liquids close to the computer thing but it’ll never happen, so instead I bought no spill sippy cups. I will feel ridiculous using them (and let me tell you babies are amazing as I am struggling to get anything out of these things) but I will suffer the ridicule to have a nice laptop.
HURRAH!! I am off to do a happy dance.
HURRAH!! I am off to do a happy dance.
Monday, April 2, 2007
Ooops my mistake
So last week I had a little accident - no I lie it was HUGE. I knocked over a drink at my desk, a drink that I had put the lid on (or so I thought). I had cross screwed it. The lid sprung open and spilt all its contents over my… LAPTOP! My beautiful new mac. I didn’t cry. I remained calm. I tried to clean it all up. I did not even lose it when the drink poured out of the fans and the screen went black. I waited over 48 hours for it to dry and turn it on and was greeted by, well nothing….. no greeting. No nothing. Of course clutzy owners are not covered under most warranties. Bugger! Thankfully I had it insured under a separate policy and things look good to it being replaced. A big thanks has to go out to A who has lent me her laptop (a PC, but I’m coping) for the week, we like her!
George wants all to know that his personal blog will be updated once the new mac is up and running, don’t have the software on a PC to update it. Hope you have all checked his webpage out - it took him a long time without opposable thumbs.
George wants all to know that his personal blog will be updated once the new mac is up and running, don’t have the software on a PC to update it. Hope you have all checked his webpage out - it took him a long time without opposable thumbs.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Bossy rabbit
George would like me to announce his webpage has been updated today so all should recheck. He’s very proud of it.
Monday, March 26, 2007
George is now online, but still under construction. He has had a terrible accident this week so watch for his little notes as he recuperates.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Tick Tock
Can someone please stop time for say…. oh a week so I can catch up? Thank you. I appreciate the difficulty in knowing when to restart it again, as how do you know a week has passed when time has stopped? But let me tell you this week has passed me by without me being aware of it and that is enitrely due to time… so (stay with me here) maybe if we stop it the weeks will be more noticeable.
I admit it is not a well thought out plan. I am tired, and grumpy, oh and I have already taken my evening painpills (they render me more nonsensical than usual). I am now bemoaning the fact that I made a nice cuppa before bed (decaf) and put it in my super-duper large mug, I am unable to support the combined weight of tea+mug with either hand - I need to employ both but the mug is too hot right now. My options appear to be: smaller mug; lukewarm tea… or forget the whole thing altogether.
I could ramble on forever tonight, but I won’t.
I do need some savvy web advice though - any savvies around?
I admit it is not a well thought out plan. I am tired, and grumpy, oh and I have already taken my evening painpills (they render me more nonsensical than usual). I am now bemoaning the fact that I made a nice cuppa before bed (decaf) and put it in my super-duper large mug, I am unable to support the combined weight of tea+mug with either hand - I need to employ both but the mug is too hot right now. My options appear to be: smaller mug; lukewarm tea… or forget the whole thing altogether.
I could ramble on forever tonight, but I won’t.
I do need some savvy web advice though - any savvies around?
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Fight fight fight!
My arms/wrists are currently waging war against each other, a war for attention. It appears the left is not liking its new dominant role (no matter that it is temporary) and has thrown a fit - a big painful fit. It currently hurts more then the right and does not have a much better range of motion. But of course the right is now mad as it needs its rest (who can blame it, it is broken). I am the innocent bystander here, just waiting for them to fight it out - only unlike most innocent bystanders I have to put up with the pain of the punches. Oh and now I am wearing two wrist braces, think it will become a trned for Spring 07?
Finally gave in and bought a voice recognition software less I wake up and find my arms have fallen off in some bizzare protest. I have been reading it Dracula all evening (on its request) to train it and it still gets confused when I say ‘the’. Sigh! I may just need the wonderful M to become my secretary so I can dictate, there would be no wages but that is the good thing about boyfriends they are supposed to help because they care. Awwwww.
Anyway I am sure typing my blog is not the most sensible thing and with just one finger on each hand it is taking an age. Hey to all.
Finally gave in and bought a voice recognition software less I wake up and find my arms have fallen off in some bizzare protest. I have been reading it Dracula all evening (on its request) to train it and it still gets confused when I say ‘the’. Sigh! I may just need the wonderful M to become my secretary so I can dictate, there would be no wages but that is the good thing about boyfriends they are supposed to help because they care. Awwwww.
Anyway I am sure typing my blog is not the most sensible thing and with just one finger on each hand it is taking an age. Hey to all.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
My poor blog must be feeling oh so neglected lately. I am still a one-handed typer (well to be fair, one hand and one finger) and therefore have not felt much like updating. Today I shall give it a go.
Just spent a week in Houston for the annual meeting of all planetary nerds in the kingdom. I had a talk which people said nice things about so seems like it went well. Pooped though - was early in bed, no parties and still tireder than a big tired thing on national tired day. Sigh.
For all the george fans among you he will soon be getting his own website. He is terribly excited but it is a relatively time consuming task so I will let you know when it is online. It will be a lot of his pictures and travel tales as apparently I have taken over the blog too much, he feels he needs a new website that has not only his name but also his stuff (so demanding).
Well I must go shower so I can venture out of my dark little apartment.
Just spent a week in Houston for the annual meeting of all planetary nerds in the kingdom. I had a talk which people said nice things about so seems like it went well. Pooped though - was early in bed, no parties and still tireder than a big tired thing on national tired day. Sigh.
For all the george fans among you he will soon be getting his own website. He is terribly excited but it is a relatively time consuming task so I will let you know when it is online. It will be a lot of his pictures and travel tales as apparently I have taken over the blog too much, he feels he needs a new website that has not only his name but also his stuff (so demanding).
Well I must go shower so I can venture out of my dark little apartment.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Feeling bit frustrated today. At physio there was a new girl today who had an injury very similar to me - same bone, same place, slightly different break. She came out of cast only a few days ago and already has way more movement than me, and I am talking waaaaaaaay more. I am a little grumpy. Stupid hand.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
My bubbles...
I have given up fizzy drinks for lent - less than a week down and I had a struggle with it in the supermarket today. I was trying to justify buying fizzy water with flavours saying that it wasn’t really soda. I am addicted to bubbles. I resisted. Of course on the up-side I drove myself to the supermarket for the first time in almost two months - woo hoo!
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Well bone not healed but nice Dr decided not to put another cast on and instead I will have my nice new splint for at least two weeks, probably four. Physiotherapy starts Monday but for now I am a little stiff, but happy.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
This is for liz who misses me
I don’t want to be going back to ‘home sweet home’. Already miss the real deal
I have a really obnixous cough and the biggest stinker of a cold (which no doubt half the aeroplane caught this morning) and a temperature and that is not ideal for traveling.
I have an EIGHT HOUR LAYOVER in Newark - enough said
My nose is raw - but my left nostril is more affected - not sure why it is running more, clearly it is more of an athlete than the right.
I am trying to work but cannot make notes by hand thanks to right-arm
Guy next to me on plane this morning snored in a way I thought impossible from a human for 5 of the 8 hours - and he was rude to me in the remaining 3.
I am in first class lounge - free internet, beverages, and cheese. Could get ratted but not good for work.
Had lovely time at home. The wonderful M could not have been more wonderful among other things.
Cast comes off in under a week
Despite head threatening to explode and massive tissue pile I have managed to read a complicated paper and get it.
I don’t want to be going back to ‘home sweet home’. Already miss the real deal
I have a really obnixous cough and the biggest stinker of a cold (which no doubt half the aeroplane caught this morning) and a temperature and that is not ideal for traveling.
I have an EIGHT HOUR LAYOVER in Newark - enough said
My nose is raw - but my left nostril is more affected - not sure why it is running more, clearly it is more of an athlete than the right.
I am trying to work but cannot make notes by hand thanks to right-arm
Guy next to me on plane this morning snored in a way I thought impossible from a human for 5 of the 8 hours - and he was rude to me in the remaining 3.
I am in first class lounge - free internet, beverages, and cheese. Could get ratted but not good for work.
Had lovely time at home. The wonderful M could not have been more wonderful among other things.
Cast comes off in under a week
Despite head threatening to explode and massive tissue pile I have managed to read a complicated paper and get it.
Friday, February 9, 2007
Is anybody there...?
Yes chaps and chapettes I am still here, on my third cast with only two weeks to go until I get my arm back from its fiberglass prison. Two weeks then, I hope, till I start blogging regularly again. Have not even really said how the holiday went so I will have loads to talk about. Back in the UK for the mo, being looked after as I don’t function well one handed. I head back pondwards once the cast is ready to be removed. Well just thought I should let all know I’m here and doing OK. Adios.
Monday, January 22, 2007
alive but still broken
capitals and punctuation are low on my priority list so i apologise for those who really appreciate them
got new cast today but all is looking good
will blog infrequently as typing gets old quick and my dissertation takes priority
thanks for the messages one and all
got new cast today but all is looking good
will blog infrequently as typing gets old quick and my dissertation takes priority
thanks for the messages one and all
Saturday, January 13, 2007
So Thursday morning I was cruising, the whole snowboarding thing was starting to click. It was a bluebird day, cold but beautiful skies and all were so happy to be here. Two other friends had arrived Wednesday so all 6 of us met for lunch up on Whistler. Decided to do one more run after lunch and head home to do some work. Long story short: I fell, arm broke. Not a simple break so had to get it fiddled with to get it back to right place and then Dr made a bit of a boo boo and I got lidocaine toxicity. Now I live for my next dose of pain pills and am incapable of doing anything for myself (it was, of course, the right arm).
Sunday, January 7, 2007
One girl went to snow...
Poo after that title I have ‘one man went to mow’ in my head, and it is just not a good song - lucky that quite a few of you probably don’t even know that classic. He went to mow a meadow in case you were interested, with his dog Spot. Anyway I am getting off track.
Well first day of serious snow in my lifetime - wow. I am still alive and that’s the important thing. Hurrah for that. I am looking forward to my lesson tomorrow as hopefully then I can progress to a litle more snowboarding and a little less time on my bum.
Will keep everyone updated.
Well first day of serious snow in my lifetime - wow. I am still alive and that’s the important thing. Hurrah for that. I am looking forward to my lesson tomorrow as hopefully then I can progress to a litle more snowboarding and a little less time on my bum.
Will keep everyone updated.
Friday, January 5, 2007
Less than 24 hours from now I shall have left my apartment for colder climes and SNOW, glorious snow. Think I am pretty much packed, although I have the sinking feeling I have forgotten something, but then I often get that feeling when I haven’t so I shall just ignore it the best I can by only allotting it a small amount of brain cells to obsess over what it could be.
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
So I was taking a break from the writing today and was cruising around on the beeb website, how I love the beeb and I found this. Not sure the US people who read this will get it, having never heard one of them exclaim ‘Gordon Bennett’, so sorry you guys don’t speak real english emoticon.
Who was Gordon Bennett? I guess we will never know. I am realising that my appreciation for this article may make me seem a little nerdy. Well guess what - I am a nerd. I like language and science and I am OK with that.
Who was Gordon Bennett? I guess we will never know. I am realising that my appreciation for this article may make me seem a little nerdy. Well guess what - I am a nerd. I like language and science and I am OK with that.
Monday, January 1, 2007
I cannot believe that I left meteorites off my ‘things I like beginning with m list’. I did not expect it to encompass everything as I cannot remember all things I like that begin with m in one sitting but that should have been one of them. Thanks to J and her comment for pointing out my glaring omission.
I LIKE METEORITES.. though I am really not bothered if they come from Mars or not.
I also like my mother (and my father, cannot omit him just because it is not an m-word, they come as a pair).
Music - an essential.
Muggins because it is another great word, and one I do not use enough I think.
The microprobe, well we have this love-hate thing going on, but it has undeniable usefulness.
Milk - even though it hates me so I like it.
Well I am sure there are more things that will come to me, probably in the dead of night while I am trying to sleep, only to promptly forget in the morning, but I am now going to have a nice warm bubble bath. Worked out (have been surprisingly good, no cardio but done my snowboard work-ous regularly) and am aching and wish to move tomorrow.
Oooh must not forget to wish everyone a happy new year. May 2007 bring you all the nice things that 2006 failed to, or more of the same if you were lucky and got all you wanted.
I LIKE METEORITES.. though I am really not bothered if they come from Mars or not.
I also like my mother (and my father, cannot omit him just because it is not an m-word, they come as a pair).
Music - an essential.
Muggins because it is another great word, and one I do not use enough I think.
The microprobe, well we have this love-hate thing going on, but it has undeniable usefulness.
Milk - even though it hates me so I like it.
Well I am sure there are more things that will come to me, probably in the dead of night while I am trying to sleep, only to promptly forget in the morning, but I am now going to have a nice warm bubble bath. Worked out (have been surprisingly good, no cardio but done my snowboard work-ous regularly) and am aching and wish to move tomorrow.
Oooh must not forget to wish everyone a happy new year. May 2007 bring you all the nice things that 2006 failed to, or more of the same if you were lucky and got all you wanted.
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