Thursday, October 5, 2006

Museum Musings

I got up early this morning, as has been my habit of late, and am happy as I have just made a rather tasty cup of coffee to help me stay awake till my brain decides to wake up and join my body (the whole brain-body discord thing continues, they are currently living in different time zones but managing well and gaining some independence). Today I will achieve nothing, and I am OK with that. It is just one of those days where I have so many appointments and commitments that no work will be done and, more disappointingly, I won’t be able to get to the gym (started back this week after roping a new person in as gym buddy).

I am volunteering at the museum on campus again (did not mention it last time but I do this occasionally). Get to speak to kids about geology and how exciting is is. Woo Hoo! Kids are great because some of them can actually muster up a bit of enthusiasm and when you ask a question they all bloomin’ well put their hands up, even if they don’t really know the answer. Fast forward to the University classes I teach where a lot of the time all of the students pretend they are incapable of speech and don’t know their arse from their elbow, let alone the rocks we looked at the week before. Sigh.

Anyway I am going to spend some quality time with my coffee before doing work in the one continuous hour I have available between now and 6pm.

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