Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The things I do

SHOCK HORROR I thought today I would write a blog about what I have been up to and just give some general information out to the general populus about me. Not that I don’t have random things I wish to discuss with myself (and whoever will listen) but there are so many days for that… oh the days.

1. I bought a new digital camera this week. I am very excited. I should explain that the last one died a death at my expense. It was eating batteries like a big battery eating thing (we are talking one or two pictures for FOUR AA’s here) and it was an old thing and I got a tad frustrated at it. Well we won’t go into the gory details in case young people are present, but needless to say it ended up in several pieces that will never again be one. It was quite theraputic, I have never purposely destroyed anything like that before. Just feel I should write here that I have been saving for the new camera so I did wait for the young to replace the old here. Oh and of course I must not forget to thank my fantastic parents for helping me with my new purchase. I have an appointment with the instruction manual (not being a boy I plan to actually read some of it)
2. Booked a holiday - going to Whistler snowboarding in January. Should say that the wonderful M actually booked it (does this make him more wonderful?). My dad claims taking me snowboarding is ‘like giving a loaded gun to a manic depressive’. Not very politically correct of him but I do have a history of accidents. However, I tend to prefer more unusual injuries, such as ant allergies, so the consensus is I am more likely to scald myself with hot chocolate at the hotel than break a leg snowboarding (everyone knock on wood NOW). I am very excited. Even got a snowboard from a mystery source (well I know who it was - big clue for you - he’s wonderful, but I won’t mention that again - today anyway).
3. I am actually missing the gym at the moment. Had finally got into an almost daily routine and the foot comes from nowhere! Well to be fair the foot has been there as long as me - the swelling is the recent thing. I was coming close to actually enjoying the gym, although not the stationary bike - I may use it but it is the height of all things dull. Oh well I am allowed to use the aforementioned bike for a bit even with the foot so maybe tomorrow I shall venture to the sweat pit anyway. Feel a bit daft walking into the gym on crutches, well OK hobbling. Need to take advantage of the time I have left before I go on my travels for a bit.
4. My foot itches
5. Ooh I need advice - how does one send a hat across the pond? I seem to require an unreasonably large box and feel there should be a better solution. Can one buy a hat box from the USPS? The best way would be for the wedding, to which I am wearing the hat, to be on the same continent. Alas it is not.

Well I feel that is plenty for today. Got the writing bug now… maybe I will go write some snail mail.


Anonymous said...

Re: Your snowboarding holiday - perhaps you should stick to the bunny hill, and only if there’s fresh snow fall (i.e., it’s soft and fluffy). Surely your wonderful M is careful with you - so I guess I’ll have to trust him. ;)
P.S. This blog is cool. Maybe I’ll start my own re: planning a wedding.

Anonymous said...

We may have booked the holiday last week, but it has involved months of beer driven discussion by the two manic snow addicts over here to actually determine when and where. I was quite surprised how quickly we all came to a final agreement in the end actually. For a while I thought we might end up booking it when you were over this way after the wedding!
It’s a pity that A & C wont be coming, but it was not to be. Can’t wait for it though! It’s only just over 5 months away! Woohoo!!!!

Anonymous said...

There is a simple answer to your problem.
Wear the hat on your head on the plane. You may need an outfit to match though, but you could get an upgrade!
You won’t look silly at all!