Saturday, January 30, 2010

Home sweet home

Well John is now in Fort Worth permanently - hurrah! I flew up to DC and kept him company on the long drive down here and now we just have to get the house in some sort of order.... currently disorder rules and is taking over. There may even be a coup and then you may not hear from us again as we will be slaves to the disorder. We have been making strides today though as I tried to calm the paper stack that was beginning to rule the Land of the Living Room and John clothes are one step further to being in the closet.

It is amazing how fast the days go by. I actually managed to get up this morning and go out for my training run (walk/jog). Our group training was cancelled Thursday and I wanted to make it up somehow. Amazing how hard it is to get moving in 26 F (-3 C) weather. My lungs did not thank me but I do feel the exercise is giving me more energy throughout the day. I am so far away from being able to run the 5K though and it is only four weeks off now. One can hope though, since that is the aim of my group. Can't be too bad though as I am already tempted with the 10K group after this. We'll see how my joints hold out, today I was running with lead legs.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Week so far

Sunday - Running group (for running read mostly walking some jogging) = 1.7 miles
Monday - Walking to and from work = 2 miles
Tuesday - Running group (sans group as I went by myself) = 2 miles
Wednesday - Walking to and from work = 2miles
Thursday - Running group and walking to and from work = 3.75 miles

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Ten for '10

A lot of friends have been posting their 'resolutions' for the new year in the last week. I put that in inverted comas as I am not sure that even one of them has used that term, instead I have heard intentions, plans, accomplishments... I certainly have things I would like to achieve this year so I thought I would follow their example. I am posting ten things for '10.

  1. Get in shape. I have to get in better shape. HAVE TO. I have let myself go terribly. The jeans that fit me the best right now were the pair I wore when was 15 lbs heavier. The fact they fit when I am lighter tells me I am fatter... my muscle needs to make a comeback.
  2. Get in control of my eating. When I gave up wheat I was eating really well and I have let things slip since the move to Texas. Still no wheat but a lot of things with zero or little nutritional value and I felt SO MUCH BETTER when I was eating well.
  3. Start my marriage off well in the Summer.
  4. Get more organised at work.
  5. Cut down on the amount of television I watch (hoping John will join me in this or it will be nigh impossible). Maybe a good place to start is to cut it out entirely one day a week.
  6. Consistently take my lunch to work and eat it. Taking something for my lunch almost seems to guarantee I don't want to eat that food come lunchtime. I need to learn to suck it up and just eat it.
  7. Drink more water.
  8. Be more happy and less grumpy. I can be very unreasonable at times and often I don't even know why myself. I need to cut that out. Something to work on for sure.
  9. Walk to work at least a few times a week even when John is available to give me a lift. We live a mile away from campus and it is so tempting to just let John drop me off all the time. I have been walking all this week while he is in DC and it is actually quite a nice way to start and end the work day... and a great way to help with point 1.
  10. Be more social. I have become such a homebody of late, mostly because I am laaaaazzzyyy. Once I am home I can never seem to overcome the kinetic barrier to get myself out the door again.
The end.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tales from the DMV

I finally took the plunge and went to the DMV for my Texas license today. I had been once before but the reception lady sent me away saying I needed more paperwork that was not listed on their requirements online - today they told me I did not need that paperwork. Sigh. Anyway...

The Texas DMV has a system where once your paperwork is checked you van then take a number and wait for it to be called. Once it has been called then and ONLY then you can join the very long line. A lady in front of me waited the two hours for her number to be called, waited another thirty minutes in the line and then I hear her say, in broken english "I'm here for my cosmetology license." There were several guilty of sniggering at that point (me included). I did feel sorry for the poor woman. She did have all the documentation for the driver's license she didn't want... because the lady at reception had sent her back home once for all of it.. shame she did not establish what license the lady wanted.

As I left the nice lady who helped me said "You're a Texan now, have a blessed day." She was lovely, shame about where she works.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Being right

So yesterday on the way to the airport something very interesting happened. John was recounting a discussion we had a while back (we were on opposing sides but it was not an argument so discussion seems the best term). John said 'oh by the way remember how I said this well I looked it up and I was right.' Now I am not blogging here about being annoyed that John was right, we both have our moments when we are wrong... me included. What took me by surprise here was that John had not taken the side he claimed... I HAD!!! He had switched sides and remembered everything incorrectly. Maybe this is a sign of a perfect marriage - I can be right all the time and John can remember that he was right instead. No one ever feels like they lose!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Getting fit

Well I think this is probably the 10th post (if not more) in which I have said 'oh I am going to start getting in shape' - problem being I start but never finish, I am not sure I even ever make any headway. I think exercise may be one of the only times I really just don't like my own company. In an attempt to rectify this I actually signed up for a group exercise thing. We meet three times a week and will be outdoors (another thing I hope will help with my exercise aversion). Alas it started this week and I am in Houston, not Fort Worth. Trying to stay focused though and I have been in the gym while my fellow group mates who I have yet to meet are out getting in shape. Hope I can keep up with them all on my return next week.

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year, wedding crafting

2009 was a big year - got engaged, got wonderful job, moved to Fort Worth, bought first home. I am wondering what 2010 will bring - other than a wedding, the preparations for which are starting to get a bit overwhelming. I do love craft projects but I wonder if I have bitten off more than I can chew on this one doing as much as I can by myself. The bouquets are made and at home, the save the dates are ready to go out very soon but that leaves:
  • invitations
  • all the flowers for the church
  • pew decorations for church
  • all the centrepieces for the reception
  • the buttonholes and corsages for the wedding party
  • menus
  • placecards
  • table plans (much closer to date)
GAH! I am drafting in John's help now and he seems willing so hopefully it will all happen. If I just did not have this full time job things would go much easier ;)