Monday, May 3, 2010


Formatting of my last blog is pants.

I am not going to correct it.

I actually really want to correct it as the perfectionist/anal retentive in me is having a small seizure.

I'm crap at blogging

I am resigned to it, I have accepted it... I am a bad blogger. I always write posts in my head but never online, so if you were in my head this blog would be AMAZING, just saying.

Last month I was 30 (cue dramatic music) and I planned to write a blog on my achievements in the last decade. It was rather interesting just thinking about it really as it made me appreciate the last few years so much as I have done so much more and learnt so much more than in the rest of the decade put together. Well anyway here is the list - it is mostly work related, clearly it is not exhaustive as there are blank years and I was not THAT lazy.

21-22 - Saw a talk given by a meteoriticist and decided to apply for a Ph.D. to study meteorites
22-23 - Graduated from Edinburgh with a BSc. Hons.
- Moved country to the USA to get my Ph.D.
24-25 - Got a fellowship at the Smithsonian and was offered job when I graduated
28-29 - Graduated with my Ph.D
- Went to work at the Smithsonian
- Met John, fell in love.... (awwww)
- Completed my first ever proper job application for my dream job at TCU
29-30 - Interviewed at TCU (day after 29th birthday) and was offered job
- John proposed
- Moved to Texas with John

One additional note: on the day after my birthday, my first full day of being 30 years of age, I ran 3 miles straight for the first time in my life.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Working out

I got myself a personal trainer at the University gym. I showed up for my first session and walked through the door and my stomach hit the floor. My new trainer is one of the students that lived next door to me when we first moved to Fort Worth. These are the students who were rather noisy, frat-types, who had loud parties and stayed up late much to my chagrin. These are the students I called the cops on. Well this won't backfire on me at all!!!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010


I need to work today but I woke up and made the mistake of turning the TV on. Now I am watching a movie. Oops.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Reality check

I was talking to one of my bridesmaids today who is a newly-married woman herself. She was asking me about all the wedding tasks that lie ahead and I began to realise how much I have not done and, ergo, how much there is to do. AGGHHH!!! The four month mark is looming very closely and there is seemingly more than 4 months worth of stuff to do. I am trying not to panic. I may have to draft in help. I think my spare moments may need to be always occupied with wedding tasks. Planning from overseas is not ideal at all.

Oh and I have not even thought about a hen do? Should I think of such things?

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Home sweet home

Well John is now in Fort Worth permanently - hurrah! I flew up to DC and kept him company on the long drive down here and now we just have to get the house in some sort of order.... currently disorder rules and is taking over. There may even be a coup and then you may not hear from us again as we will be slaves to the disorder. We have been making strides today though as I tried to calm the paper stack that was beginning to rule the Land of the Living Room and John clothes are one step further to being in the closet.

It is amazing how fast the days go by. I actually managed to get up this morning and go out for my training run (walk/jog). Our group training was cancelled Thursday and I wanted to make it up somehow. Amazing how hard it is to get moving in 26 F (-3 C) weather. My lungs did not thank me but I do feel the exercise is giving me more energy throughout the day. I am so far away from being able to run the 5K though and it is only four weeks off now. One can hope though, since that is the aim of my group. Can't be too bad though as I am already tempted with the 10K group after this. We'll see how my joints hold out, today I was running with lead legs.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Week so far

Sunday - Running group (for running read mostly walking some jogging) = 1.7 miles
Monday - Walking to and from work = 2 miles
Tuesday - Running group (sans group as I went by myself) = 2 miles
Wednesday - Walking to and from work = 2miles
Thursday - Running group and walking to and from work = 3.75 miles